Really Standing Out From the Pack

In a time where firing up your favorite Internet browser means becoming inundated with thousands of ads, photos, video clips, messages, and promotions, you have to do something to stand out. A well designed and well marketed website can go a long way in doing just that.

What’s important in this day and age, when it comes to having your business succeed on the internet, is not having the flashiest or loudest web banner, or having content bursting out of every seam of your website, but rather having a targeted and well thought-out approach to your web marketing needs. Let’s face it, most of us aren’t going to be rivaling the numbers of Face Book, Twitter, or Google anytime soon, nor would some of us want to. But we certainly want out piece of the pie so that we could promote our product or service to our customers in a more interactive and engaging way.

Well many large design firms will throw out buzz words like “Web 2.0”, “Social Networking”, and “Interactive Media”, those are just steps in a well constructed online campaign.

What is really important is having a website that speaks to your customers, and fills them with the desire to take the next steps, whether that is purchasing your product or requesting more information. You can have a Twitter account, a Face Book page, and a million moving parts on your website, but that isn’t going to make it any more effective if you don’t have a solid foundation based on the following things:

1. Your site MUST satisfy the needs of the customer, and encourage them to take action.
2. The website in question must be easy accessible, and look professional, without being overly complicated.
3. The site content has to be important, because if it isn’t, your client will not be coming back.

While all three of these things are important, they all hinge on number three. Without relevant and engaging site content, you have nothing that will keep your customer coming back for more. What I am asking here is that you work with someone who wants to better your business and help you succeed and not just take your check and add you to his or her client list.

This endeavor should be about getting online and going interactive effectively, and not about throwing everything out there just to see what sticks and what doesn’t.

Whether you work with myself, Adam Botts,, or another designer, is up to you. But please remember, bells and whistles are great interest builders, but if you don’t have a good foundation based on engaging site content, a customer driven method, and a dynamic and accessible design, then you have nothing to build their interest in.

/ Adam Botts

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